Surprising Dad for his 75th Birthday

My brother and I both came up to Lake George to surprise him for #75. It would be important anyway, but has special meaning since Mom died earlier this year in March–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall

5 comments on “Surprising Dad for his 75th Birthday

  1. AnglicanFirst says:

    Father Kendall,
    If Silver Bay is where I think it is, just north of Hague and just south of Indian Kettles/Roger’s Slide, then you are in one of the most pristine places left in the northeast of the United States.

    It is a place that is deep in my psyche. A place of both natural charm and of natural beauty. I have always felt closer to God in the quiet areas in and around Lake George.

    Scots who have visited Lake George have compared its beauty to that of the Great Glen, Loch Ness. A few short miles north of Silver Bay, the 42nd Regiment of Foot (Scottish highlanders) fought a battle at Ticonderoga against the French that earned them the title of the Royal 42nd Highlanders. It is an area in the wilderness that has played an important role in the affairs of the world.

    You, you father and your brother are blessed with a true natural and historical cathedral of God’s beauty.

  2. DonGander says:

    My pastor and I had a short discussion of the differences of men and women in losing a spouse. Our conclusion is that women suffer greatly but have more natural support groups. Men either remarry or go into abject poverty of life. Women often live on 30 or 40 years beyond their mate and remain loyal to their spouse until their own death. Men often just die soon after their spouse dies.

    It is just our subjective observations. My point is that I pray for Mr Kendall’s father, that he would find comfort in his children and grandchildren and know that God will take care of him and give him meaning in these difficult times.

    May God so bless him.

  3. DeeBee says:

    Happy Birthday, Dad!!! :LOL: :cheese: 🙂 😉

    Kendall, I must commend you for keeping your priorities straight (and serving as a strong example for all of us thereby). May God’s blessings be upon you and your family on this happy occasion.

  4. libraryjim says:

    I’m just going to say “what DeeBee said!”

    Happy Birthday to your dad from us!


  5. KAR says:

    I’d surprise your dad with a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday” but it’s copyrighted (congrats to both dads, my dad is also 75 this year (July 20)). The Lord is very kind, praise God for another year!